Los Angeles – Adult video distributor Liberty Media has
taken an unique approach in its most recent lawsuit against file-swappers,
filing suit against a "swarm" of BitTorrent users sharing one of its
works, TorrentFreak reported.

The company began pursuing alleged file-swappers
of its work earlier this year, offering settlement deals to avoid potential
litigation before filing suit against thousands of individuals.

In the new
lawsuit, "the defendants are a group of BitTorrent users or peers whose
computers are collectively interconnected for the sharing of a unique file,
otherwise known as a ‘swarm’," Liberty Media said.

"The torrent swarm
in this case is not an actual entity, but is rather made up of at least 95
individuals, acting in concert with each other, to achieve the common goal of
infringing upon the Plaintiff’s copyright both by illegally duplicating the
Plaintiff’s Motion Picture and illegally distributing the Plaintiff’s Motion

TorrentFreak notes that the new tactic of filing suit against a
"swarm" of file-swappers could be an end-run around legal obstacles that
have emerged from joining hundreds or thousands of alleged file-swappers into a
single lawsuit.


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