San Francisco – Apple (NASD:  AAPL) on
Thursday held a press event in San
Francisco to introduce its iPhone OS 4.0, which will
bring the ability to multitask with applications, as well as its new iAd mobile
advertising format, according to live blogs of the event. The multitasking
capability will allow users to access other applications while Pandora radio is
streaming, or while making Skype Internet-based phone calls, or hear
turn-by-turn driving directions.

iPhone OS 4.0 also provides the ability to
place folders on the home screen, as well as set a wallpaper on the home screen.

The company upgraded the iPhone’s mail application, enabling multiple accounts
to filter through a single inbox, and organize emails by thread.

Other new additions include a Game
Center, and upgraded
enterprise features.

Apple itself will sell and host the mobile iAds, and share
60% of revenue generated with application developers. Apple CEO Steve Jobs
demonstrated a number of interactive ads that include video and games.

iPhone OS 4.0 update is scheduled to be released this summer; multitasking will
be available for the iPhone 3GS and third-generation iPod touch — but not for
the iPhone 3G, original iPhone or earlier iPod touch models.

Along with the
iPhone-related announcements, Jobs also said that the company sold 350,000
iPads on Saturday — including pre-orders — and 450,000 total so far.

Some 250,000
iBooks were downloaded on opening day of the iBookstore, and a total of 600,000
since Saturday — along with 3.5 million applications.


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