Bellevue, Wash. – Among U.S. wireless carriers, Verizon (NYSE: VZ)
boasts the fastest and most consistent 4G network coverage, according to a
report from mobile testing firm RootMetrics. Verizon’s 4G network provided
download speeds that were on average between 4 and 14.5 times faster than
competitors, and upload speeds on average between 4.7 and 49.3 times faster
than rivals AT&T (NYSE: T), Sprint (NYSE: S) and T-Mobile USA.
The firm’s study used a number
of different handsets, testing signals near its offices in Bellevue, Wash.
was found to provide over 10 Mbps download speeds over 90% of the time,
compared with T-Mobile (4.42 Mbps), Sprint (4.4 Mbps) and AT&T (1.18 Mbps).
For upload speeds, RootMetrics found Verizon offered an average of between 5
Mbps and 10 Mbps, compared to T-Mobile (1.29 Mbps), Sprint (695 Kbps) and
AT&T (123 Kbps).
The firm also found Verizon’s 4G network was available
100% of the time — despite testing in moving vehicles — while Sprint’s
network was available 90% of the time, and Sprint’s and AT&T’s networks
were each found to be available 80% of the time.
Related Links:
(PDF: RootMetrics report)