Syfy network is using Twitter to engage fans of Haven, its hit spooky drama series based on the Stephen King novella The Colorado Kid. But rather than use the microblogging platform as a promotional adjunct, Haven will entertain viewers with a story arc driven by two of the show’s characters exchanging tweets with a mysterious person known only by his – or is it her? – Twitter tag.
Beginning Aug. 12, a story will unfold that involves the newspaper-owning brothers Vince (Richard Donat) and Dave (John Dunsworth), who decide to join Twitter and end up conversing with the suspiciously well-informed (@ColdInHaven. Some of the action will be on the broadcast show, but some of it will be seen only by those who follow @VinceHaven, @DaveHaven (pictured) or their disquieting correspondent.
“The Haven writers and producers have done an amazing job of crafting a story line that seamlessly moves between the TV show and Twitter,”said Craig Engler, general manager and senior vice president, Syfy Digital. “Although there have been simple integrations before, no one has fully and organically integrated Twitter into the fabric of the show in the way Haven is doing. If you watch Haven and use Twitter, you’re in for a real treat.”
Syfy is a network of NBCUniversal .From independent producer Entertainment One, Haven is co-commissioned by Shaw Media in Canada and globally via Universal Networks International (UNI).
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