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NFL Heads to the Supreme Court In TV Rights Case

Hollywood Reporter reports: "A significant antitrust battle could upset how the league sells game telecasts for billions of dollars and usher in an era...

How AI Is Transforming The Music Industry

Hypebot reports: "Though the music business has often been an early adopter of new tech, doing so has often resulted in considerable blowback, and...

Warner, Sony Win U.K. Court Battle With Digital Radio Service TuneIn

Billboard reports: "A British High Court has ruled that digital radio service TuneIn has been operating illegally in the U.K. by streaming unlicensed music...

Europe has Slight Lead over U.S. in Emerging Blockchain Digital Securities...

VentureBeat reports: "Blockchain technology and tokenization are transforming global financial markets, with the companies driving this disruption scattered around the globe, according to a...

Universal Music Central Europe Chief Talks Copyright Directive With European Parliament...

Billboard reports: "Frank Briegmann, president and CEO of Universal Music Central Europe and Deutsche Grammophon, met this week with European Parliament president David Sassoli...

Charter CEO: Content Companies Starting to Recognize Threats of Piracy, Password...

Hollywood Reporter reports: "Cable operator Charter Communications, in which John Malone's Liberty Broadband owns a big stake, on Friday reported that it lost 75,000...

How Would Opening Up Facebook Change the Internet?

The Verge reports: "On October 22nd, some of Silicon Valley’s biggest critics introduced a bill that’s meant to undercut social media monopolies. The Augmenting...

Facebook Can Be Forced To Remove Content Internationally, Top EU Court...

The Verge reports: "On Thursday, the European Union’s top court ruled that lower court judges could order Facebook to remove illegal comments from its...

Investors Flood $530M SESAC Capital Restructuring

Hypebot reports: "Privately owned performing rights organization SESAC has completed a major refinancing of its capital structure, reports Billboard, selling $530 million in bonds...

Music Publishers v. Peloton: Claimed Copyright Damages Double to $300 Million

Hollywood Reporter reports: "The pack of music publishers aiming to stick it to tech-enabled exercise bike startup Peloton is growing. On Thursday, these music...