– Sony (NYSE: SNE) Computer Entertainment announced on Wednesday that it will push back the
release of its PlayStation 3 Motion Controller, originally scheduled for this
spring, until the fall of 2010.

"We have decided to release the Motion
Controller in fall 2010 when we will be able to offer an exciting and varied
line-up of software titles that will deliver the new entertainment experience
to PS3 users," said SCE president and CEO Kazuo Hirai.

The company said it
plans to "vigorously promote the Motion Controller as the de facto
controller of the PS3 platform along with the DualShock series controller and
will deploy various measures to enhance the software title line-up for the
Motion Controller."

Nintendo’s Wii already offers a motion-sensing
controller that does not incorporate a camera for gesture-sensing, as Sony’s

Microsoft (NASD: MSFT) is expected to release its own motion- and gesture-sensing
Project Natal controller for the Xbox 360 later this year.


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