Mountain View,
Calif. –
Google (NASD:  GOOG) announced on
Thursday that it has closed its $750 million acquisition of mobile advertising
form AdMob. The deal initially raised many antitrust concerns, but ultimately
the Federal Trade Commission last week gave its approval of the deal — citing Apple’s
recent iAd mobile platform launch as evidence that it won’t give Google an
unfair advantage in the nascent sector.

"It’s clear that mobile
advertising is becoming a much larger part of our clients’ and partners’
strategies and with this acquisition, it’s now a central part of our own
business," Susan Wojcicki, Google’s vice president of product management,
wrote in a blog post.

"In continuing to invest in this highly competitive
area, we’ll be bringing together our technology, resources and expertise in
search advertising with AdMob’s innovative solutions for advertising on mobile
websites and in mobile applications."


Related Links:

(Google blog)
(DMW previous coverage)