Washington – Three weeks after departing AOL’s popular
Engadget technology blog, former top editor Joshua Topolsky said he has joined sports
blog network SB Nation to launch a new gadget and technology site.

wrote in his blog that he hopes to launch the yet-to-be-named site in the fall,
and will serve as its editor-in-chief.

Nilay Patel, Engadget’s former managing
editor, also will be part of the team.

"Of course, the natural question
I’m sure a lot of people have is: why SB Nation?" wrote Topolsky.

"The easy answer is that the people at SB Nation share my vision of what
publishing looks like in the year 2011. They think that the technology used to
create and distribute news on the web (and mobile) is as important as the
people who are responsible for the content itself."

Topolsky left Engadget
in March following a well-publicized war of words with Michael Arrington, the
editor of AOL’s newly acquired TechCrunch site.

Arrington in February accused Engadget
of having a "major attribution problem," tending to "just steal
stories," and alleged that Topolsky had personally tried to kill AOL’s
acquisition of TechCrunch.

SB Nation in November raised $10.5 million in its
third round of funding from Accel Ventures and Comcast Interactive Capital.


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