Rally in Stockholm, Sweden, in support of file...
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Paris – A new survey, conducted by the organization set up in France to administer its “three-strikes” file-sharing law, found that 50% of citizens view HADOPI as a positive initiative, and the same number also said it has persuaded them to “more often” seek legal content online, Billboard reported.

The survey also found that 72% of the respondents who had received a file-sharing warning from HADOPI, or knew of someone who did, either ceased or reduced their illicit downloading.

“These are largely positive results,” said French Minister of Culture Frédéric Mitterrand.

HADOPI sent its first copyright notices to suspected file-swappers in October; in January, it said it had send 70,000 such warnings, and now says it is sending 5,000 warnings daily.

To date, no repeat file-swappers have yet ended up in court or had their Internet connections suspended.


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