San Francisco – Mobile game developer TinyCo on Wednesday announced the launch of TinyFund, a $5 million fund that will provide mobile game developers with capital and resources to launch their titles.

The San Francisco-based company recently landed an $18 million financing round, led by Andreessen Horowitz.

The TinyFund will provide up to $500,000 in monetary assistance per game title, to developers creating titles for iPhone, iPad or Android platforms.

TinyCo will also offer marketing, development and business assistance to developers as needed.

“There are some amazing mobile games being developed right now, but due to lack of funds or industry experience, many of these outstanding titles will never be played by the public,” said Suli Ali, co-founder and CEO of TinyCo.

“TinyCo is proud to offer the TinyFund to empower top gaming talent with the tools they need to realize their dreams of creating successful games.”


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