Mountain View, Calif. – Google (NASD:  GOOG) has introduced a new feature
for its Gmail service that sorts incoming email into three sections, based on
their perceived importance. The Priority Inbox feature for Gmail divides
incoming messages into "Important and Unread;" "Starred;"
and "Everything Else" sections, using the same technology that powers
the spam blocking functionality of Gmail.

The service works by prioritizing
emails from contacts a user corresponds with most frequently.

"As you use
Gmail, it will get better at categorizing messages for you," Google
software engineer Doug Aberdeen writes on the company’s blog. "You can
help it get better by clicking the [plus or minus] buttons at the top of the
in-box to correctly mark a conversation as important or not important."

The feature will roll out to all Gmail users in coming weeks.


Related Links:

(Google blog)
(N.Y. Times)


  1. Why don’t you work on SORTING like every other email does. I want to click on names and have them lined up so I can erase them. Yes, I know I can search for them but this is a pain in the neck.

  2. I agree completely. I have no idea why Google wasted their time on a feature like this unless they’re planning on making it better in the future.

    However, this isn’t the only thing Google has tried and failed with. They tried the “Star” or “comment” on the google results that failed miserably too. IT was too easy to spam the comments or write stupid stuff about websites for others to see. Oh well, I guess Google is just trying new stuff.

    Zig Zag Papers

  3. All Priority mail does is make me angrier at Google for being so stubborn and refusing to listen to what their customers want and need. So…

    Dear Google:

    I’ll make it really simple, like the comments above, and those who have requested it as a “feature” please give us the ability to sort. We’re big boys and girls and we know what we want. We want to friggin push one button and SORT!!!!

    Yahoo, Hot Mail, and every Lame email program a child could create all have this ability – WHY??? Because it’s a BASIC NEED!!!! We don’t want your fancy labels, plus and minus marks, or filters to do this!!! PLEASE Listen to us!!!