Bellevue, Wash. — Valve, the creator of best-selling game franchises such as Half-Life, Portal, Left 4 Dead, and Counter-Strike and digital distribution platform Steam, announced on Friday that their “Team Fortress 2” game will now be free to play and download.

The company will earn revenue through player in-game interaction and will be played as a “freemium” mode — allowing users to play the game while encouraging them to purchase more powerful features.

“All game modes, classes, and maps are available. Nearly every weapon is available through achievements, drops, or crafting,” said the company in the announcement.

“Team Fortress” was a part of the Orange Box collection Valve released in 2007, including “Half Life 2,” its sequels and “Portal.” The now free to play game was claimed as being a large factor in Valve’s Orange Box success.

Related Links: (VentureBeat) (Team Fortress)