Opinion and Analysis

Opinion and Analysis

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Bricault: "passionate about trying to shine a spotlight on L.A."

Paul Bricault, who among many other things is managing director of accelerator Amplify.la, gives his perspective a member of the Los Angeles Mayor’s Council on Innovation and Industry.

To the stratosphere and back in 3D: Q&A with Josh Kline

Digital media veteran Josh Kline launched a weather balloon and rig equipped with 3D cameras, resulting in what's quite possibly the first-ever 3D video shot in the stratosphere this way. Here he relates the adventure.

DeWolfe: SGN is 'scrappy,' ubiquitous and profitable

SGN’s Chris DeWolfe said the venture has been profitable since day one. He now wants its games to be wherever consumers happen to be and on whatever device they choose to use.

Guest column: 'Severe Seven' Canadian Music Week bands to watch

The Bloom Effect's Fiona Bloom here shares her CMW Severe Seven, the seven Canadian Music Week live music highlights that made the most impression on her.

Guest column: Don't clone my indie game, bro

The annual Game Developers Conference (GDC) showcases the industry’s hottest trends, from its most innovative game-play experiences, to its top-trending peeves and squabbles. I am prepared to ‘call’ the 26th GDC’s Peeve of the Year.

Five questions with Kevin Conroy, president of Univision Interactive Media

Kevin Conroy, president of Univision Interactive Media and Enterprise Development, took five with Digital Media Wire to discuss how Hispanic audiences consume and interact with digital media, and what his strategy is for maximizing the opportunities.

Guest column: Subscription, download or OTT? Let's rewind.

In this guest column, Alan McGlade reflects on subscription versus paid download and a la carte business models from his perspective as Digital Entertainment Ventures managing director and former MediaNet CEO.

Guest Column: Who’s In Control of Big Data?

QVIVO founder Liam McCallum looks at the increasingly important role cloud-based services play in a world of proliferating data.

Guest Editorial: 3D Hype Dies, 3D Business Grows

CES 2012 is over, and now it is time for the post-mortems. Once again, 3D is a dominant topic of these discussions, as The Shindler Perspective CEO Marty Shindler writes.

Steve Ballmer: "We're Clearly on the Right Track"

Microsoft chief operating officer Steve Ballmer laid out the company’s vision for Xbox 360, Kinect and Xbox Live as the core of every household’s entertainment system, the promise of Windows Phones, and the next version of Windows as a unified platform that brings it all together regardless of device or screen. He said Microsoft's philosophy for everything is to put people first.