Cheezburger Networks, which made a mainstream craze from the Internet’s inexplicable fascination for cats, has launched its first iPhone app.
The move into mobile has been anticipated, based on comments from Cheezburger Networks CEO Ben Huh following a $30 million venture capital round in January, Geekwire said. Mobile also seems a natural platform for the profitable company’s bite-sized bits of comedy entertainment. The free app was built in conjunction with Red Foundry.
Cheezburger reports having more than 19 million visitors each month resulting in over 400 million page views, according to VentureBeat, representing a considerable number of nonproductive work hours. AppScout also noted that these users are avid creators, uploading 500,000 pictures and videos a month.
Cheezburger Network includes channels like I Can Has Cheezburger?, the Fail Blog, Memebase, the Daily What and the recently acquired Know Your Meme. The company specializes in images that capture of silly, awkward, undignified, embarrassing or otherwise amusing moments from daily life, combined with intentional misspellings and recurring themes that add to the humor.
Related Links:
VentureBeat post:
AppScout post:
Geekwire post: