Palo Alto, Calif. – AOL on Wednesday launched a free daily magazine for the iPad that the company said utilizes sophisticated algorithms to customize content for each individual user.

The e-zine, known as Editions, takes into account the specific actions of each reader, from opening an article to adding a new interest, in an attempt to figure out what they do and don’t like.

“Our goal for Editions was to take the best of the online and offline reading experiences and fuse them into a single, sleek magazine unlike anything else that exists today,” said David Temkin, AOL’s head of mobile.

The daily edition features 30-40 pages of content in 15 content sections, ranging from Tech and Business to Sports and Entertainment. Readers can edit each section to include their favorite companies, teams, celebrities and sources.

The e-zine also includes localized news and weather, a calendar that syncs with Facebook and iCal and hyperlocal content. The app is now available through Apple’s App Store.

This article was also published in Potomac Tech Wire.

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