Palo Alto, Calif. – The Wall Street Journal reported on
Monday that some of the most popular applications on Facebook — including each
of the social network’s top 10 most popular apps — have been transmitting the
identities of users to outside tracking companies, in violation of company
policy. Three of the apps, led by Zynga’s popular "FarmVille" game,
also reportedly have been sharing information about users’ friends, even when
they have set their privacy settings to the strictest level possible.

Facebook user ID may be inadvertently shared by a user’s Internet browser or by
an application," a company spokesman told The Journal, noting the breach
has not led to the disclosure of other private information.

"We have taken
immediate action to disable all applications that violate our terms," the
spokesman added.

The company said it plans to introduce new technology to
resolve the problem.



Related Links:
(Ars Technica)


  1. this is why i am now leary of using my facebook page.
    One further suggestion to enhance privacy and user control:
    *Make interests able to be set to private again (all of my friends including myself have deleted our interests b/c of them being made public).
    *Make privacy setting of POSTS/Status/WALL be able to be separate from photo settings. As of right now if you add a name to a list so they cannot see your wall/status, they can automatically also not see any of your photo albums. THIS needs to be changed.
    Give us, the users, full control over who sees what on our own profiles.