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The 5 Biggest Virtual And Augmented Reality Trends In 2020 Everyone...

Forbes reports: "2019 was a growth year for virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)– known collectively as extended reality (XR). The presence of these breakthrough...

Microsoft: VR is big on Windows, but Xbox would need ‘a...

VentureBeat reports: "Microsoft’s Windows Mixed Reality initiative may have brought multiple VR headsets and a substantial quantity of VR software to the PC platform,...

Nreal Light AR glasses add Clay AIR hand tracking, hint at...

VentureBeat reports: "As Nreal moves closer to the consumer launch of its Light AR glasses, it’s continuing to bolster the wearable’s software capabilities with...

Snapchat launches Lens Web Builder to simplify AR ad creation

VentureBeat reports: "While augmented reality hardware hasn’t yet taken off with average consumers, Snapchat is among several smartphone apps that have succeeded in introducing...

Epic Games acquires facial animation technology maker Cubic Motion

VentureBeat reports: "Epic Games has acquired Cubic Motion, a provider of automated performance-driven facial animation technology for video games, film, broadcast, and immersive experiences...

Holoswitch sends your smartphone notifications to you while in VR

VentureBeat reports: "Tired of missing calls and important updates during marathon sessions of Half-Life: Alyx? Holoswitch might have a solution for you. Launched in...

HTC launches Vive Sync app to let remote teams collaborate in...

VentureBeat reports: "HTC has launched a virtual reality (VR) collaboration and meeting app to capitalize on the rapid shift to remote working brought about...

A Portal Between Digital and Physical Worlds? It’s Close to Reality

The Hollywood Reporter reports: "Development of mirror worlds is accelerating during COVID-19 as Hollywood increases its virtual production, says Magnopus co-founder and CEO Ben...

8th Wall launches Face Effects tool for AR facial animations

VentureBeat reports: "8th Wall is launching Face Effects, a new cloud tool that enables developers to create effects that wrap around someone’s face using...

HTC co-founder reveals new VR headset and social platform reports: "The virtual reality space has a new contender with a reveal this week from XRSpace, a VR hardware and software company headed...