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Netflix Expands to Latin America

Los Gatos, Calif. — Netflix Inc is expanding its international online streaming service to 43 countries in Latin America, sending their shares up to...

Google Unfollows Twitter

Google disabled its Realtime Search functions on Sunday, a move that removed all results from Twitter and many other sources, as reported by Search...

Twitter's 200 Million Tweets A Day Aren't All Mindless

San Francisco, Calif. — Twitter announced on their blog today that they have reached 200 million tweets a day. Up from 65 million tweets just...

Contest Winners Get Silver Screen Moment

A new contest brings together Cinedigm Digital Cinema, National Geographic Entertainment, YouTube and Hipstamatic in a campaign that may also elevate the status of...

Google+ Privacy Flaw Results in Oversharing

Mountain View, Calif. — In the short time since the launch of Google+, the  new social networking service, one user has already discovered a...

Google Takeout Enables Users to Download Their Data

Mountain View, Calif. — The Data Liberation Front, an engineering team at Google, announced today on their blog that they have launched their latest...

Consumer Watchdog Files Antitrust Complaint Against Facebook

Palo Alto, Calif. — Consumer Watchdog, a California-based consumer education and advocacy organization, has filed an antitrust complaint against Facebook Credits, claiming their virtual...

MySpace Sold to Specific Media for $35 Million

Beverly Hills, Calif. — MySpace was reportedly sold Wednesday for $35 million to advertising network Specific Media, according to an exclusive on the Wall...

Biz Stone Flies the Twitter Nest

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone used his personal blog Tuesday to announce that he’s moving on from the microblogging sensation, then – naturally – shared...

Google Shows Many Options for "What Do You Love"

Mountain View, Calif. — Google wants to know “What Do You Love” —  the name of a search-driven service aggregator at the corporation...