Washington, D.C. — The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation is putting safety into the hands of millions of parents – literally.

The FBI  revealed Friday the release of a free iPhone app that allows parents to safely and securely store their child’s information, ready to send to law enforcement officials should their child go missing. Addressing potential parental concerns over privacy, the agency promised that no information will be shared or stored online. “All data resides solely on your mobile device unless you need to send it to authorities,” the agency said in a statement.

The Child ID app  provides parents a convenient place to electronically store standard information — height, weight, age, photo, and other vital details — that can be quickly released to local police by pressing a button.

Currently the app is only available to iPhone users, although the FBI has plans to expand it to other mobile devices in the future. Child ID app can be downloaded for free from the App Store on iTunes.

Related Links: (FBI Press Release)

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