[Editor’s Note: This is a guest article written by Signiant, a company with a history rooted in developing file transfer software for some of the world’s largest companies. Media & Entertainment was the first sector to broadly adopt the technology. Early adopters included Disney, NBC, and Apple iTunes.]

Since the transition to a file-based workflow in media production began, companies have relied on FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer files over the Internet. But this 45-year-old protocol was designed decades ago, in the days when small groups of Internet pioneers moved relatively small files between themselves.

Back then, there were no anonymous users on the Internet, everybody knew everybody, so data security wasn’t a concern. And neither was “user experience;” FTP was created before graphical user interfaces were even a concept.

However, FTP has come a long way. From security to email notifications and other needed features, additions and augmentations have brought FTP closer to modern standards.

But today’s FTP systems still leave a lot to be desired. With file sizes growing and production teams and clientele becoming more globally distributed, FTP will increasingly lag behind what businesses need and expect from their technology.

Signiant’s new eGuide discusses The Pitfalls of Relying on FTP to Move Large Media Files. Learn about:

  • Why FTP can’t adapt to today’s networks and data amounts
  • Why FTP is so slow and prone to transfer failures
  • Why companies are choosing cloud-native alternatives

Download a copy of the eGuide here.